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Hello everyone

At our last AGM in December, we did not get sufficient members agree to join the management committee of the society, to meet the rules of the society. It was agreed that an email be sent out to the membership requesting for at least two volunteers to join the committee. Unfortunately, there were no further volunteers. This left us with the only alternative which was to make an alteration to the rules. To make this alteration it is necessary to hold a Special General Meeting.


Our rules state;

1. For any AGM, SGM or EGM, 25% of the membership must be in attendance to form a quorum.

2. The Alterations to the Rules shall only take place at a specially convened meeting. Amendments and additions/deletions to the B.A.D.A.S. Rules will require 3 full, clear weeks prior notification.  Each member shall be given the same notice, in writing, of such proposed changes.

Voting. A two-thirds majority in favour of the motion is required for any motion to be passed.  An abstention does not constitute a vote.  No postal or proxy votes will be accepted. 

As the Friday morning art sessions normally have the most members present, it was decided at the last committee meeting that the Special General Meeting should be held on Friday 7th March at 10:30am at Birstall Co-op Sports & Social Club, Birstall Road, Birstall, LE4 4DE, Leicestershire.

During the normal Friday art session. Although this may not be an ideal time for everyone, there is never going to be a perfect time for everyone to meet up. The committee ask that as many members as possible make the effort to attend

The proposed alterations to the rules are as follows;


Item 4  The Junior section will be supervised by a member of the General Committee or by a Full member appointed by the Committee.

Should be replaced with the following;

Junior members must always be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Item 8 A Management Committee shall be formed from the members of the Society and shall comprise the following:

a.  Officers:  Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer.

b.  General Committee: between 4 and 6 members

Should be replaced with the following;

A Management Committee shall be formed from the members of the Society and shall comprise a minimum of 10% of the current adult membership of which 5 shall hold the offices of Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer.

Item 10 The Committee shall meet on the first Tuesday of each month or at any other time considered appropriate.  Six members must be present to form a quorum.

Should be replaced with the following;


The Committee shall meet on the first Tuesday of each month or at any other time considered appropriate. Five members of the committee must be present to form a quorum.


We look forward to seeing you on Friday 7th March

Management Committee

Birstall and District Art Society

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