Birstall and District Art Society

The Society has been running since 1995 when it was formed by our late president Norman Sims.
At present, we have a membership of approx. 60 which includes both established artists as well as absolute beginners.
We have an active committee who bring together a wide range of art related activities. New members and new ideas are always welcome to increase the range and diversity of our group.
Our members enjoy all types of painting including Water colour, Oils, Acrylics, and Multimedia, as well as sketching with Pastels, Charcoal and Pencil. Our approach is to encourage you to do what you enjoy and provide the opportunity to try something new.
We have an appraisal evening once a year ( in March or April), when members can bring up to three drawings / paintings for appraisal by a professional artist.
As well as painting classes, there are painting demonstrations by professional artists most months. Workshops are also arranged to cover all aspects of art. All of which we hope will assist members to develop their interest and increase their abilities in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
The climax of our year is always our annual exhibition in November. Members are encouraged to enter one or more works for displaying to a very appreciative public.
For further information click on one of the tabs above, or get in touch via the Contacts Page.