Birstall and District Art Society
Friday Morning Informal Painting and Drawing Session
​We meet weekly every Friday morning for an informal get together which provides a friendly venue for anyone to come along to paint or draw in their own style, medium and at their own pace.
This is not a teaching class. There is a charge of £3:00.
We meet at:
Birstall Co-op Sports & Social Club.
Birstall Road, Birstall, LE4 4DE, Leicestershire
Click Here for venue details
email the secretary at sec@badas.uk for further information
Please Note: No need to register - Just turn up
The Session runs from 9:30 to 12:00
No Booking Required - Just turn up
​​​Members will be required to sign in on entry.
Please bring the correct money. (£3-00)
The kitchen can be used,
but the Sink Must Not Be Used For Washing Brushes
(Sorry, you will just have to wash them at home)
Our Health and Safety Document and
First Aid Document can be seen by Clicking Here